The Hot Mess that is Me

I am a 52 yr old… oh crap, I’m 53. Doesn’t really matter. I’m 50 something. I used to be a young, fun, yelly mom to six kids under the age of 13. Now I’m the old tired mom to 4 adult-ish kids and two teenagers. I’m trying to raise the last two the best I can but I honestly feel my work here is done. Go with God kids. I’ve given all I can.

I used to be thin-ish and not care what I ate and then I turned 40. Hello metabolism? Remember me? We have parted ways and it makes me and my waistline sad.

I am at a place in my life, after almost 29 yrs of mommy-ing where I have ….. time. A four-letter word. Too much time, not enough time, running out of time. But now I have it and it’s a weird place to be. When left to my own devices, Im not always that productive. 12 hrs of sleep and Netflix are my friends. When I’m not on the depression, anxiety train, I love to be creative, decorate my home, take care of my family, teach, read, write and laugh and make others laugh.

So I start 2020 looking for more of what makes me happy. I want to be real and messy and honest. No filter. Except for Instagram filters because let’s face it, we’ve earned those.