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    When a Child is Suicidal

    The text read “I did something dumb. Please take care of Lily” It was late, I usually don’t hear my texts come in or my phone ring. But I did that night. I called my daughter or she called me. It’s a blur. She had taken a bunch of pills. Washed them down with alcohol. She still sounded fine but groggy. I didn’t panic, I felt calm. I was 400 miles away and she didn’t need my chastisement or probing questions. She needed her mom. The thing is, we had been here before. Makenzie started feeling depression and anxiety in college. She was always my strong-willed, wear-her-heart-on-her-sleeve, sensitive girl. There…

  • Parenting

    Five Things That are not Canceled

    Weirdest, weirdest week. Life has seemingly been canceled. All fun canceled. When Disneyland closed I knew it was serious. And I know that Covid-19 is serous. But life is not canceled. And to keep me from spiraling into self-isolating depression, I am taking stalk of the things we have in life that are not canceled. Laughter. Laughter is never canceled. It may be inappropriate to laugh at certain times but right now, in this time of uncertainty, I have to laugh or else I’ll cry. Everyone’s humor is different. Mine is not very sophisticated. My family and I have been laughing at crotch shots on AFV for over 20 yrs.…

  • Parenting

    Runaway Mom

    I think every mom has thought about it. Just getting in the car and running away. As I was getting my hair done with my beloved hairdresser, who also has countless kids, we were bemoaning the lack of gratitude in our teenagers. As long as there is food, clean clothes, and constant Wi-Fi at home, they are mostly content. They growl “yes” and “no” from in front of their screens and somedays barely acknowledge our existence. I said out loud to her that I wanted to run away and see how long it took for them to notice. The day I made that statement was Valentine’s Day. I made sugar…

  • Parenting

    It’s About Time

    Welcome to Linda 2020! I’m so excited for this writing journey again. I used to write and be funny and I loved it! I made virtual friends and went to blogging conferences. Then for no good reason I lost my mojo. But I’m back baby! I’m ready to share some sometimes serious and not so serious looks into my thoughts and my life. And it’s about damn time! I’ve been thinking A LOT about time lately. How in adolescents time was all about me, me, me. Then after taking on the making of and raising of other human beings, the time was all about them. There was never enough time.…