
  • Family,  Motherhood,  Parenting

    Busy? It’s Okay Not To Be

    I noticed a thing early on in my marriage-hood and mother-hood. Since I didn’t work outside of the house, the home and the kids were my job. And so, when I’m in my house, and there are kids in the house, I should be “working”. The house doesn’t sleep, the kids barely sleep, so my job was 24/7. So, I should be busy all the time. Right? I should always be doing something. There should always be something on my to-do list. While there may always be something on the list, does that mean I have to be doing it? I saw in the world, media and even my church…

  • Parenting

    Covid Infiltrated our Home: Our 2020 Coronavirus Story

    “I’m getting a little tickle in my throat” Robert said on a Friday. Uh oh. In any normal year a sore throat, cough etc.. would be no cause for alarm. But as you may have heard, 2020 is not a normal year. It’s the year of quarantines, masks, hand sanitizer, toilet paper hoarding, and distance learning. It’s the year I can’t hang out with my 84 yr parents very often. It’s also an election year and a year of race riots and protests. 2020 will be one for the history books. All in all, it had not been an absolutely horrible year for our family. Robert was and always will…

  • Parenting

    My Adventures in Anxiety Part 2: Drug Withdrawal Hell

    It was January. A new year. Our European travels, Christmas and a family trip were behind us. But my hell was just beginning. As I wrote about in my last post, My Adventures in Anxiety During the Merriest Time of the Year , I had started a pretty heavy-duty drug, that was classified as an antipsychotic, to get through the anxiety I had about our first trip overseas. We ended up having a great time and in January I was ready to go back to just my run of mill anti-depressant. It had served me well and I knew for my regular life it was all I needed. Not really…

  • Parenting

    Why My Son Has Green Hair

    My 15 year old son has green hair. Before that it was pink with dyed with colorful flowers. And before that it was half pink, half purple. What I tell myself is I don’t care anymore. He’s the youngest of six. I’ve been parenting for 29 years and I’m tired. But of course, I care. I care about his health, mentally and physically. I care about his heart and if he’s kind to others (he’s not when he plays video games. We’re working on that). I care about his goals and what I can do to support him. What I don’t care about, is his hair color. I wasn’t always…

  • Parenting

    Five Things That are not Canceled

    Weirdest, weirdest week. Life has seemingly been canceled. All fun canceled. When Disneyland closed I knew it was serious. And I know that Covid-19 is serous. But life is not canceled. And to keep me from spiraling into self-isolating depression, I am taking stalk of the things we have in life that are not canceled. Laughter. Laughter is never canceled. It may be inappropriate to laugh at certain times but right now, in this time of uncertainty, I have to laugh or else I’ll cry. Everyone’s humor is different. Mine is not very sophisticated. My family and I have been laughing at crotch shots on AFV for over 20 yrs.…

  • Parenting

    Runaway Mom

    I think every mom has thought about it. Just getting in the car and running away. As I was getting my hair done with my beloved hairdresser, who also has countless kids, we were bemoaning the lack of gratitude in our teenagers. As long as there is food, clean clothes, and constant Wi-Fi at home, they are mostly content. They growl “yes” and “no” from in front of their screens and somedays barely acknowledge our existence. I said out loud to her that I wanted to run away and see how long it took for them to notice. The day I made that statement was Valentine’s Day. I made sugar…

  • Parenting

    It’s About Time

    Welcome to Linda 2020! I’m so excited for this writing journey again. I used to write and be funny and I loved it! I made virtual friends and went to blogging conferences. Then for no good reason I lost my mojo. But I’m back baby! I’m ready to share some sometimes serious and not so serious looks into my thoughts and my life. And it’s about damn time! I’ve been thinking A LOT about time lately. How in adolescents time was all about me, me, me. Then after taking on the making of and raising of other human beings, the time was all about them. There was never enough time.…